Saturday, April 18, 2009

Simple ways

Uncle ronnie, you have left behind a legacy by simply touching lives in your simple ways. It blows my mind to know that to attain greatest is unlike what the media has portrayed - beauty, position, and power, rather it is through a smile, a word of wisdom, an encouragement, an act of service. Sincerity experienced through simple moves. I'm living in a world, struggling between the two models. I thank God that you had showed me how it is possible to leave a footprint while on this earth that is so lasting by being a simple vessel. May we all be courageous and available, touching lives that He will bring in our paths. My friend, you are very blessed!. DC.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ronnie was the one person i look forward to seeing each Sunday at the entrance of Futsing. Always there to give a hug and warm handshake and A GREAT BIG SMILE... He looks out for everyone and anyone and he never failed to lend me a hand when i was carrying baby Jerome.. His care and love for others just warms my heart...He's like an angel to me..

This song speaks to me in many ways.. and reminded me of someone who has touched my life in many ways... uncle ronnie... you're the angel in our lives... thought us so many lessons of life tht we'll remember forever... thank you for being there for me and my family.and for many in VFC.

Geraldine, Alvin and Bb Jerome =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tribute to A Dear Uncle & Brother

Uncle Ronnie, thank you for all the love that you have showered upon my family. You were that selfless uncle, who, at the ring of your mobile, will speed down to any hospital in Singapore, to visit anyone, strangers or friends alike, to comfort, encourage, pray and minister to them. My dad was no exception. You were there daily for him in his two weeks of hospitalisation, initially cheering him with jokes, praying, keeping him company and cheering him on. Despite that short period, you have not only impacted his life but that of my mom, my siblings and my relatives. My siblings remembered you to this day and when I told them you had gone home to be with the Lord, their initial reaction was that of unbelief and shock as you were one of the most amazing person they had ever met and will probably ever meet. As a result of your selfless genuine love, care and concern for others, they have been touched by you and they were there on the first night of your wake to pay their respect and honour to you - Uncle Ronnie, the one man whose life baffles and amazes them, who spent his life caring for others, never put himself before others and would often go out of his way to reach those who were in need. Thank you Uncle Ronnie for being there for us and most of all for being that Christ-like example to my unsaved siblings.

We have always known you as humble as you always were; cheerful and always displaying an invigorating presence. You were often a counsellor when the times called for it and anyone regardless of age, sex, language or religion can come to you no matter what the reason or circumstance was and you will be there to comfort, to encourage and to love them.

We have all lost a friend, a brother, an uncle and a champion and we are gonna take some time to adjust to that. Above all, we love you Uncle Ronnie for what you represented – a determination to love, care, encourage, comfort spreading that joy and cheer and having a tremendous sense of service to the church, the community and at home.

We thank God for you and for your life that has achieved so much. Your extraordinary life has been an inspiration to us and to the many whose lives whom you have touched here and beyond. Your love is strong, they are timeless and yes they will endure. You will be one beacon of example for us and we are thankful to God today for a life that has achieved so much for His Kingdom.

We love you Uncle Ronnie and we will truly miss you.

Michelle Cheong & family


In 1990 I was saved and was thirsting after God. I was then placed in a life group to be nurtured.

This Teochew uncle with slick-comb-back black hairs visited us often. He spoke little English yet he could quoted scriptures while praying. How he did it ???

He would drive me home after meeting and shared testimonies of casting out of evil spirit in homes. I concluded that he was a true-blue Ghostbuster.

Ronnie, I will remember your black hairs.

During the wake services, we gave an account of how Uncle Ronnie passed away. This was to bring closure to his family and comfort to us who have lost a very dear loved one and brother.......

During our regional prayer meeting on 25 Mar 09, Bro John felt led to ask Ronnie to share a testimony that he had heard from him prior. The first part of the testimony was very typical of Ronnie's ministry; a brother has asked him to minister to his father who was in coma in hospital. When Ronnie arrived at the hospital, the man woke up from his coma giving Ronnie a chance to share Christ and lead him in the sinner's prayer. Shortly after, the man went home to be with the Lord. Ronnie has always jokingly mentioned that in his ministry, there is no need for follow-up nor is there backsliding - he gets people saved and most goes back to the Lord immediately : ) The second part of his testimony was on God's goodness on his family. Coming from a large family, he has 14 siblings. How through Ronnie, the Lord brought salvation to his brothers and sisters especially before some of them passed on to be with the Lord. He concluded that it was his heart's desire to see and believe for the remaining siblings to be saved.

Shortly returning to his usual seat, we heard a loud grasp for air from Ronnie before he collapsed (about 2040H). CPR was administered to him within 5 minutes till the ambulance arrived almost 20 to 25 minutes later. During this time, the congregation interceded. Some medic from Jalan Besar Stadium assisted but to no avail. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

After thought................
Ronnie has always confided with his close friends that if he has to die, he wants to do it in the house and presence of the Lord, and, after sharing a testimony to glorify God. He also wants it to be quick and painless. From our observation, Ronnie never recovered after he breathed his last breath. It was indeed quick and painless. He died in the house of the Lord amongst dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ. Although we are saddened, we felt it was time for this faithful servant to return to the Lord. Ronnie has a heart condition and has been unwell for the past months. Only God knows when is the best time.......

Hian Koon

Our Brother in Christ, Uncle Ronnie of a Thousand Smiles. About 20 years ago,when my father in law was sick in the hospital,he went to share the gospel to him. Praise God that my father in law accepted Jesus as his
personal saviour and attended Church services. I think his hospital ministry would have started more than 25 years ago. I pray and encourage members of VFC to take up hospital ministry. God bless. From Tony and Joo Lian